Friday 11 June 2010

Graduate Showreel

Here is it my graduate showreel! Some of you may have seen it already, but for those who haven't, I should explain what a labour of love it has been. Months and months of work by myself., and a few others, went into this. I simultaneously experienced the best, and worst working experiences of my life creating this, but I wouldn't change it for the world!

It also got me nominated for a Glammie award at university! Despite not winning, I was more than proud of Aran, who took the award home, and all the other nominees, who worked just as hard as I did, I'm sure!

Strangely, I wasn't really proud of my work until yesterday... I thought it was ok, but the last few days have shown me that despite my determination and faith in myself, I will always be my own worst critic.
Once again, I would like to extend the biggest thank you possible to all my friends, family and tutors. Thanks to them, I now have the confidence to pursue my goals and fulfill my potential!

Though obviously, this is not the end. Not by a long shot! Already I am re-editing and adding to what you see here, and planning my next pieces of work. Watch this space!

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Website up and running!

Oliver Atton-Higgins - Digital/CG Art

Please take a look! I really would appreciate it. And if you have any thoughts, feel free to comment this.

Thank you! x